Palliative care

At Tapas, we provide palliative care which is a specialist form of care for people living with serious and complex medical conditions. Our focus lies on optimizing the quality of their lives and mitigating the suffering, pain and ailments and spreading positivity.

This specialised medical care focuses on providing resident’s relief from existing pain and other symptoms of various illnesses. The aim remains to not just provide appropriate care but also add an extra layer of support that aids the ongoing care.

We work on identification, assessment and management of the medical conditions and also focus on the resident’s psychological, emotional and social needs for them and their families to experience a sense of contentment and support thereby enhancing their quality of life.

Why Palliative care?

At Tapas, palliative care is designed to be a combination of personalised care with love, positivity, respect and affection. We provide symptomatic relief and pain management to make the patients comfortable, relaxed and reassured. Focus is given on providing emotional support coupled with nursing and psychological care. Counselling and therapies for depression, agitation and other kinds of behaviour are a regular part of the patient’s routine. We also have a provision wherein appropriate counselling facilities and therapies are given to the patients as well as their family members keeping in mind their mental and emotional state. The ultimate goal remains to bring about a positive improvement and upgradation in the patient’s quality of life.

Make an Enquiry


Availability of basic emergency support services:
Availability of basic emergency support services:

Tapas readily has emergency facilities like oxygen cylinders, first aid, CPR, dialysis etc available for the residents. Any king of emergency can be well handled due to this.

Dedicated and trained team:
Dedicated and trained team:

The staff at Tapas is well trained and equipped to handle all medical conditions and has a wide experience in the care sector.

Customised schedules and diet:
Customised schedules and diet:

Every resident at Tapas is treated as a special one. We tailor their daily routines to suit their health conditions and preferences. Their diet and meal plans are also personalised in the same manner.

Betterment of life quality:
Betterment of life quality:

We aim at improving the quality of life of each resident holistically through support and compassion. We preserve their dignity and respect and strive towards lifestyle enhancement

Specialised counselling & therapies:
Specialised counselling & therapies:

That extra layer of support and care is provided by crafting different and varied activities and therapies to boost the residents emotionally and cognitively, thereby bettering their mental and psychological conditions


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