People taking action for people
Culture of Care
TAPAS is a social organization dedicated to providing holistic care for senior citizens in our society. As a residential care home, TAPAS takes a comprehensive approach to aging, offering innovative services that encompass emotional well-being, medical care, psychological and physical therapies, and engaging social activities.
The name TAPAS, derived from Sanskrit, represents an ardent, focused self-transcending passion.
The Vedas revere TAPAS as an unsurpassed creative force. The ethos of the organisation is the empathy and integrity of care dedicated towards QUALITY OF LIFE
Tapas's best services
TAPAS has carved out a distinctive niche in the field of senior citizen care through its unique and thoughtful approach. At the core of TAPAS’ philosophy is the concept of focused care, which ensures that each individual receives the right kind of care tailored to their specific needs. This is made possible by a highly skilled and dedicated team of medical experts, therapists, trained caregivers, facilitators, and other professionals who work collaboratively to provide comprehensive support.

Tapas Dementia Care
This setup at Balewadi, Pune is focused on psychological and neurological disorders with ageing . Residents are provided with attendants, counselors, relevant activities, structured routine, diet, medical treatments and monitoring.
Focused training of staff team , and experienced experts is the strength of Tapas Dementia Care.
Counselling of family members and educational workshop help them too.

Tapas Palliative care & Nursing home
A complete well equipped set up for palliative care and bedridden patients . We have a completely dedicated team of doctors ,trained nurses, counselors and therapists for palliative care.
To make each day worth while and comfortable for our residents is the mission. Monitoring, systematic reporting etc along with physio therapy ,music therapy , spiritual sessions are therein features of palliative care.
Post Operative Care is done with utmost discipline with physicians, dietitian, nurses, therapists etc.

Tapas Active Ageing Care Home
Independent and fit elders enjoy staying at TAPAS .
Their well being is monitored by counselors / and medical experts.
The whole care team is residential and dedicated to the daily activities of our residents.
Learning activities, cultural programmers, interesting therapies, and fun completes our design of care. Medical monitoring and counselling is done by our doctors’ panel .
Emotional well being, meaningful socialization and productive ageing is the vision of TAPAS active ageing care home.
Tapas provides best facilities for you!
At Tapas, we believe in assisting our patrons/residents to live a full life, filled with positivity and respect.
To help our residents live a full life, we offer them personalised care, timely counselling facilities, emergency medical care and medical assistance, pleasing and aesthetic surroundings topped with a team of highly qualified medical experts.
By combining specialized medical care, psychological support, trained caregivers, and enriching social activities, TAPAS strives to provide a comprehensive and enriching environment for seniors. The organization’s dedication to excellence and continuous improvement ensures that residents enjoy a high quality of life, promoting their overall well-being and happiness.
A single step towards happiness begins with helping our people
Know more About Us

“तपस” वळण वेगळ्या वाटेवरचं……
वृद्धाश्रम म्हणा किंवा oldage home , या शब्दांकडे काही वर्षांपूर्वी…. किंवा अगदी आजही, अगदी वेगळ्याच नजरेने पाहिलं जातं. त्यामध्ये एक
Get together of our Families & Tapas Team
Tapas Elder Care, Arwind enclave, Sai chowk, Balewadi , Pune . पोहचलो तेव्हा वातावरण अगदी मंगलमय.. रांगोळी ने सजलेले.. प्रशस्त
When FUN itself becomes THERAPY
This summer has been the severe-most and it has been challenging for us , at Tapas , from medical perspective
तपस : आई-बाबांचे दुसरे घर!
तपस : आई-बाबांचे दुसरे घर! माझ्या घरातले वातावरण अभ्यासू आणि वैचारिक होते. बाबा वाणिज्य शाखेचे विभागप्रमुख होते, तर आई गृहिणी,
Cultivating ‘Grand’ parenting with care !!! – Prajakta Wadhavkar
पालकत्वाचा आयाम खूप मोठा आहे … आपण करत असलेलं आपल्या मुलांचं पेरेंटिंग या पुरतंच ते मर्यादीत नसून ते वेगवेगळ्या टप्प्यांवर
तपस : तुळशीचं लग्न!
तुळशीचं लग्न ! काल तपसमधे धूमधडाक्यात लग्न पार पडलं. बरोबर ओळखलंत, तुळशीचंच ! एवढ्या थाटामाटात कार्य पार पडलं कि विचारायची
तपस : अन्वितचं बोरन्हाण
अन्वितचं बोरन्हाण..,…. काल तपसमधे एक एकदम आगळावेगळा आणि सुंदर कार्यक्रम झाला. चि.अन्वित धोपेश्वरकर ह्या बाळाचं बोरन्हाण ………. वेगवेगळे कार्यक्रम करणं
तपसची आनंदी दिवाळी
आली दिवाळी, मंगलदायी…….. दसरा झाला की दिवाळीचे वेध लागतात. दिवाळीच्या आठ – दहा दिवस आधीच तपसमधे दिवाळीची तयारी जोरदार सुरू
कविता : दैन्य जीवाचे : मंदाकिनी क्षेत्रमाडे
दैन्य जीवाचे किती तरी सुंदर आणि अतिशय मोहक कलासक्त मनाची गृहिणी होती ती एक ईश्वराने कृपा केली प्रसन्न होऊन तिच्यावर
जेष्ठ नागरिकांची काळजी घेण्यासाठी “तपस”
कालाय तस्मै नमः 🙏 ज्या प्रमाणे काळ कोणासाठी थांबत नाही त्याचप्रमाणे वय सुद्धा कोणासाठी थांबत नाही. बालपणातून तारुण्य, तारुण्यातून प्रौढत्व