About Us
Tapas is a home away from home for the elderly where they voluntarily come in to get the best of our pioneering care and state-of-the-art facilities.
Our aim remains to maintain a happy and positive yet stimulating and enriching environment where the elderly are comfortable, content and cared for.
To create centres of excellence for eldercare, by being thought leaders in the world of eldercare and actively working on bringing awareness and educating people.
To provide extraordinary eldercare to ensure seniors live a fulfilled life in an environment where they can thrive, ensuring the peace-of-mind of the caregiver.

Tapas in the Vedic literature signifies an achievement of self-realisation rooted in deep solitude. Tapas signifies an unmatched creative force.
A place where happiness, pride and unbridled joy amalgamate to improve the quality of life. At Tapas, our team of healthcare experts strive hard to give the ‘Elders’ a qualitative and positive life. Every day is a celebration of life at Tapas. At Tapas, we teach the ‘Elders’ to learn, unlearn, relearn and rediscover a new way of life.
Our Roadmap Journey
Tapas Facilities

24X7 Personalised Attention
Availability of care, services and facilities is guaranteed anytime and everytime at Tapas. The residents and their families can be carefree and assured of services at all times and under any circumstances.

Personalised Hygiene Standard
The sanitisation, hygiene and cleanliness of the entire place is given utmost importance and thoroughly maintained and supervised.

Planned Infrastructure
The entire infrastructure is well planned in such a way that all kinds of elderly can be accommodated well; be it handicapped, on wheelchairs, with walkers, walking sticks etc.The area is well ventilated, fresh and aesthetically appealing.

Trained Staff Members
Every staff member at Tapas is trained and retrained efficiently to handle day-to-day routine as well as emergency situations. They are supervised and it is ensured that they are highly equipped to serve the residents at all times.

Basic Emergency Medical Support
Facilities like oxygen cylinders,first aid, CPR, dialysis etc are available at Tapas and the staff is well trained and proficient to perform these emergency services.

Safety and Security
100% safety and security is maintained through facilities like CCTV cameras, security guards, keeping the gates closed at all times, monitoring entry and exit of all visitors etc.

Psychological-Musical-Vocational-Cognitive Therapy
A lot of activities are curated together keeping in mind the overall wellness of the resident. These therapies and activities are unique to Tapas and not available at other places.

Diagnostic Facilities
All kinds of X-rays, sample collection, tests etc are taken care of end-to-end at Tapas. It is designed to be a one-stop solution for all medical needs, services and facilities for the elderly.

Authorised Medical Treatment
Tapas has authorisation and proper certification to perform all medical treatments. The staff here too is well trained and authorised for the same. Every treatment is well structured, guided and officially approved.
Psychological Analysis: Detailed psychological analysis is done by expert.

Psychological Analysis
Detailed psychological analysis is done by expert psychologists and counsellors for the residents to investigate and assess their medical conditions and accordingly provide further treatment and course of action. The same is done for the staff as well to ensure smooth services to the residents and redressals, if any.

Regular Evaluation
The management team at Tapas does timely and orderly evaluation of all facilities like food quality, room setup, hygiene, cleanliness,safety and staff quality.

Customised Diet Plan as per requirement
A personalised diet plan is crafted for every resident depending on their health conditions, preferences and health goals. Fresh, hygienic and healthy meals are readily available for them.

Multiple Monitoring Systems
In order to ensure smooth, safe and orderly functioning of the entire setup, monitoring is done at all and multiple levels which includes the residents, staff, services and infrastructure.

Medical Monitoring
In depth, detailed and regular medical monitoring is done to check all medical parameters like blood pressure, urine, sugar etc in a proper manner for all residents.

Nursing Care
Timely nursing is done based on each patient’s needs and health goals which includes dressing or cleaning of wounds,bed sores,skin conditions etc.

Counselling facilities are provided not only to the residents as a part of their schedule but also to their family members understanding the fact that they also go through a lot of mental trauma. The number of sittings depends on the need and situation.

Super specialist visits
A well planned and fixed visit schedule of doctors, specialists, experts etc is in place and is followed religiously to ensure the residents are checked upon regularly and timely care is provided.

Family Participation
At Tapas, the resident’s family is treated as an active partner and weekly progress updates are regularly sent to them. Photos and videos are also shared with them as assurance. Calls and visits of the family members are also highly encouraged to ensure the resident’s happiness and contentment.